JET filter
keeping the powder dust of the air-powder mixture is stripped to provide clean air to be expelled from the flue. Before the round filter body cleansing system then performs cyclone bag also being maintained through the dust particles.
jet Filter; a, semolina, feed plants, food, chemistry, tree, metal, used for global environmental protection, soil and cement industry.
– Minimum working pressure 0,3 Max island bar. 0,5 between.
– Low pressure purge air 0,5 bar.
– Cleaning air consumption 20 / 40 NL / bag x stroke.
– Maximum load 2400 mm bag to the neck 9 m³ / m² / dk.
– steel construction.
– Low maintenance, long solid work.
– High degree of cleaning.
Jet Filters are appointed from the chimney of fresh air after purification dust. It is held by the dust bags. The first stripping treatment is carried out in the filter body. Centrifugal powder particles are kept in the bag surface and the conical filter decreases after stroke. Cleaning air compressed air is sent to the flue. Clean air is thrown into the atmosphere. Compressed air blower or rarely taken the help of compressed air systems.