In factories that obtained from wheat or corn flour milling roller in, dandruff, Before the bag to differentiate between grits and used to configure the last control. Free movement of rocking body and the milled product sorting through boxes of varying sizes in each passage in the housing clean and done in an orderly manner. After elimination channels and homogeneously in the product after leaving the framework in various proportions, the frame via the main channels between the channels in the base and automatically directed towards the outlet channel and discharged outside the outlet pipe with control pipes. The outer cover of insulating passages thus avoiding leakage of the granular. Product by one or both parties at the first chassis enters the entrance portion of the top of the passage and through the passages of all the chassis height. Leave the intermediate frame of the main product output volume muntin grown by placing the product flow is sufficiently avoided and the deposition is provided. Located in the streched fabric is compressed frames each passage through the sieve jack located in the outer surface. Sieve the outer body of the hanger bar (flexible) factory mounted on the chassis. Product inlet portion is provided at the top of the screen. Product output portion takes place from the bottom of the screen. The frame is made of a complete steel construction.